She Hulks
By; Harrison Wilcox
genre } movie, tv tied-in | science fiction
rating } pg18+
SPINNING OUT OF WORLD WAR HULKS! THE SENSATIONAL SHE-HULK RETURNS! Jen Walters teams up with LYRA, the all-new SAVAGE SHE-HULK, to bring the hurt down on the fugitive members of THE INTELLIGENCIA. Klaw, Mad Thinker, Red Ghost, Trapster, and Wizard tried to take over the world and now must pay for what they've done. Guest starring THE INCREDIBLE HULK in this all-new story of She-Hulk smackdown!
Why did I pick it up?
It is something new and I thought it would pretty much be a good past time reads. Please note that, I didn’t get this in Brunei. Kind of getting it from my friend in the USA.
date released } nov 10, 2010
edition } marvel comics
acquisition } friend
individual rating} ♣♣♣♣
SPINNING OUT OF WORLD WAR HULKS! THE SENSATIONAL SHE-HULK RETURNS! Jen Walters teams up with LYRA, the all-new SAVAGE SHE-HULK, to bring the hurt down on the fugitive members of THE INTELLIGENCIA. Klaw, Mad Thinker, Red Ghost, Trapster, and Wizard tried to take over the world and now must pay for what they've done. Guest starring THE INCREDIBLE HULK in this all-new story of She-Hulk smackdown!
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