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A glamor. That was the only explanation, but I'd never heard of a witch using one. That was some serious magic.
I must have been looking at them like I was mentally damaged or something, because the blonde snickered and said, "Sophia Mercer, right?"
It was about then I realized my mouth was literally hanging open. I closed it so quickly, it made a clacking sound that was really loud in the quiet room.
"Yeah, I'm Sophie."
"Great!" said the short girl. "We've been looking for you. I'm Anna Gilroy. This is Chaston Burnett" -- she gestured to the blonde. "And this is Elodie Parris."
"Oh." I said, smiling at the redhead. "that's pretty. Like 'Melody' with the M.'"
She smirked. "No, like Elodie."
"Be nice." Anna admonished before turning back to me. "Chaston, Elodie and I are sort of like the welcoming committee for new witches. So... Welcome!"
She stuck her hand out, and I briefly wondered if I was supposed to kiss it, before I came to my senses and shook it.
"You three are witches?"
"That's was we just said," Elodie retorted, earning another sharp look from Anna.
"I'm sorr," I said. "It's just that I've never met any other withches before."
"Really? Chaston asked. "Like never met any witches at all, or just never met any other dark witches before?"
"Excuse me?"
"Dark witches," Elodie repeated, giving Nausicaa a run for her money in the Snottiest Tone Ever competition.
"I'...um...I didn't know there were types of witches."
Now all three of them were looking at me as if I'd just spoken a foreign language. "Yes, but you are a dark witch?" Anna asked, pulling a piece of paper from her blazer. It was some sort of list, and she scanned it intently. "Le's see, Lassiter, Mendelson...here, Mercer, Sophia. Dark Witch. That's you."
She handed me the list, which was titled "New Students." There were about thirty names, all with classification in parentheses. "Shapeshifter," "Faeries," and "White Witch." Mine was the only one that said "Dark Witch."
"Dark and white? What, are we like chicken meat?"
Elodie glared at me.
"You really don't know?" Anna asked gently.
"Really don't," I said casually, but inside I was kind of annoyed. I mean, hello, what is the point of having a mom who;'s supposed to be some sort of witch expert if she doesn't know the really important stuff.
I get that it's not really her fault, and that most modern witchcraft information is highly secretive since they're so freaked out about being discovered...but damn this was getting embarrassing.
~Hex Hall (Hex Hall 1); Rachel Hawkins
Great teaser!
ReplyDeleteI loved this book :) Also used the book as my Teaser last week :)
Hope you enjoy it!
This seems to be a book I would like!
I loved ready this book, so many great moment. Thanks for sharing this one.
ReplyDeletehere's my Tuesday Teaser for the week
Looks like a good read. I have to add this in my TBR list. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteMy teaser.
Great teaser! I haven´t heard of this book before but it definetly sounds like something I would like!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing!
I like the sound of this book. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteThat sounds like a totally fun book for my daughter! Got to put it on my Good Reads list! (Darn these memes .. my list just keeps getting longer and longer and longer, and I'll be like 150 before I even get to the ones on there already - well, maybe 125)
ReplyDeleteJulie @ Knitting and Sundries
Definitely interesting; I wonder if being declared a Dark Witch is like being declared part of Slytherin House.
ReplyDeleteI love your vlogs! They are full of awesome! I love your glasses too. I need a new pair and am looking for some like that when I got to the eye doctor (I'm only 3 years late getting my next eye examination done!).
ReplyDeleteI love this teaser even though it isn't a book I would probably read. I like that it was more than the two sentence teaser--gives more context!