First of all, I would like apologize, for the lack of postings. My internet provider, ESpeed; has been acting too ESloth to my liking. I can barely stay online or load much in at home or any other places, other than work (but of course I can't post it from the work puter! >.<)
I have an announcement though, nothing big. I just want to say, I would be refraining myself from reading the Erotica & Romance Genre for the whole month of Ramadhan due to respect, and of course, because I am also observing the fasting month myself. Yes! I am actually not eating nor drinking anything from sun rise to sunset! Horrah for me! It's the second day, And for both days, I have been having heat waves problems. The heat waves is giving me difficulties, but I managed to get through the day until sunset.! Yay!.
Anyhoo, I will however still be accepting ARCS and Review copies of this this genre, but I will only be able to read it after the Ramadhan month is over.
I would still be reading though, mostly be under Children, Teens, Juvenile, Young Adults, Literature and other favorite genres of mine. In between, I would be posting reviews of Islamic related books, for the sake of the month itself. I kinda find some of interesting books in my own family collection, and where I work as well. So that would be some fun things to read. Don't worry, I won't be preaching. I'm just gonna review and such.
Hence it's kinda late, (yes it's just 10:30pm) but I have to get going. I need to get up for Sahor (early breakfast before dawn), and I have to work tomorrow, luckily just until 1:30 pm. I tell you more about it tomorrow.
Hey! I'm actually hosting an entire event called Ramadan Reading over at my blog, with daily reviews and discussions and such. I envy your ability to get up for suhoor - I typically just make sure I eat something before I sleep, and might wake up before fajr just long enough to take my medication and drink some water. Ramadan Kareem!