Book Gluttony! Are your eyes bigger than your book belly? Do you have a habit of buying up books far quicker than you could possibly read them? Have you had to curb your book buying habits until you can catch up with yourself? Or are you a controlled buyer, only purchasing books when you have run out of things to read?
Oh yes! My eyes are far bigger than my book belly. I would buy more books than I could read, hence I ended up with a huge pile of TBR. Release me in a bookstore and I could come out with two hand bags full of books! (minimum!) I'll haunt garage sale and book fair and of course! E-bay!! I have this nagging fear I would run out of books to read but I guess I was wrong. If a house can be build on books, I say I think I have enough of them to make a small one.
Oh, discovering Bookmooch and Bookcrossing sites really doesn't help my addiction. I ended up with books way too many to read in a shortime. I also have the habit to say yes to book review offers. They give me books for free in exchange to for a review on my blogs and commercial sites.
Oh yes! I have (err try) to curb my buying book spree for a few obvious reason.
1. The cost. I can't really afford buying that many books every single time. If that's not an issue I would spend my whole salary on books but ya know... food, bills and such.
2. I don't have that much space at home. (I would donate the books to the library but... I have this nagging feeling... and ended up bookmooching or bookcrossing instead. Oh man.. with this
No I am not a controlled buyer. Unfortunately, when I buy books, I'm on a spree! Bookstores would love me. Being a librarian means I get to choose books for the library... so double wuhhu for that. What can I say, good books keeps coming out quickly and I need to catch up! *googly eyes!*
Anyway... I try to get smart and won't buy that much anymore these days. I ended up using the library... let's say I am so glad I am working in one, so that helps incredibly. I would only buy books that I think I would read again and again, enough for me to want to last till I'm worn out with it.
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