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Sunday, July 31, 2011

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Doa Niat Puasa Ramadhan

Early before dawn breaks, during Sahur (early breakfast) one who intends to fast during the day during the month of Ramadhan, should remember to recite this doa.

Doa Puasa Ramadhan

Nawaitu shouma ghodin ‘an adaa-i fardhi syahri romadhoona haadzihis sanati lillaahi ta ‘aala.


Dengan menyebut nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang.
Aku berniat puasa esok hari menunaikan kewajiban Ramadhan tahun ini karena Allah Ta’ala (Malay)

I intend to fast tomorrow fulfilling the fardhu of Ramadan this year for the sake of Allahu Ta'ala, amin. (English)

Ok some of you would prefer to just recite it once and not every night. So I’m including this little doa for you.

Sunset arrive and after all that, time to break that fast and we recite this one… and enjoy the first bite of a date, or first sip of a drink..

doa berbuka

Allahumma inni laka sumtu wa bika aamantu [wa 'alayka tawakkaltu] wa 'ala rizq-ika aftarthu

Ya Allah bagi Engkau aku berpuasa dan dengan Engkau beriman aku dengan rezeki Engkau aku berbuka dengan rahmat Engkau wahai yang Maha Pengasih dan Penyayang.

O Allah!  I fasted for You and I believe in You [and I put my trust in You] and I break my fast with Your sustenance

Yup Upin & Ipin for glamour hehe
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Saturday, July 30, 2011

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It’s that time again… it’s Ramadhan!

If anybody wonders what has to do with anything, it’s time to fast for the whole month during the day again. Tomorrow is the day in Brunei where they announce the sighting of the crescent moon, yes.. we have that one instead of that full calendar thing to predict when with the fasting month starts..  This year, I have decided to do a “Ramadhan Special" in my blog *again* featuring Muslims books, non-fiction and fiction other wise, Ramadhan tips, Doas and whatever I could think off to share.

To start the post,  let me start with the do’s and don’t with a poster I have found last year somewhere around the web. I thought it would be a good start =^_^= Have a good one!

Ramadhan do's and don'ts Poster

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

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A Stolen Life: A Memoir; by Jaycee Lee Dugard

genre } non-fiction | memoir | true crime
rating } 18 +
date released } July 12th 2011
edition }
Simon & Schuster Adult Publishing Group, 288 pg


| 9781451629187
acquisition } bought via Kindle
available @
Book Depository

A stolen life by Jaycee Dugard A Stolen Life: A Memoir

by Jaycee Lee Dugard

Summary via Goodreads:
In the summer of 1991 I was a normal kid. I did normal things. I had friends and a mother who loved me. I was just like you. Until the day my life was stolen.
For eighteen years I was a prisoner. I was an object for someone to use and abuse.
For eighteen years I was not allowed to speak my own name. I became a mother and was forced to be a sister. For eighteen years I survived an impossible situation.
On August 26, 2009, I took my name back. My name is Jaycee Lee Dugard. I don’t think of myself as a victim. I survived.
A Stolen Life is my story—in my own words, in my own way, exactly as I remember it.

My 2 Cents
Wow… I like to repeat that biographies aren’t my thing, but I tell you a secret, I actually had my eye on this book even days before it came out. I don’t know, for some reason, I had to read it. I think the summary caught me by the scruff of my neck and I just had to read it, no matter what. So on the day of it’s release, I’ve decided that I need to get my paws on it ASAP.

Page after page, I read it as soon as it reach me. I can’t possible put it down. At times I was even frustrated seeing how the Stockholm Syndrome took over her and how bad it is for her. I see her not giving up, but actually giving up, just to survived. for an eleven year old when she was taken, she managed to get away, even though it took her a very long time for it. She make the best of what she could, even making the place of her captivity a “personal space”, like her little heaven in hell. 

I would have review this earlier, but I was caught up with things around here. But yeah… if you’re into survival stuff, I suggest this is one book you can pick up and read. the price was a bit pricey for an e-book, but I guess it probably goes into The JAYC Foundation she has set up for victims like her.

Pine cones has a different meaning to me now.

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Monday, July 25, 2011

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Book Review: Say Cheese, Medusa!; Kate McMullan

genre } greek mythology | fantasy | juvenile | action & adventure
rating } 13 yo +
date released } August 1st 2011
edition }

9781434229984 (pb)

| 9781434229984 (hc)
acquisition } ARC Copy
available @
Book Depository

Say Cheese, MedusaSay Cheese, Medusa! (Myth-O-Mania 3)
by Kate McMullan

Summary via Goodreads:

What a myth-o-maniac (that's old Greek-speak for "liar")! Zeus's version of the myths is completely wrong. It's time to set the record straight. For the first time ever, Hades, King of the Underworld, reveals the true story behind the myths.

That story about Perseus whacking the head off of the horrible snaky-haired Gorgon, Medusa? Oh, please. He got turned into a hunk of stinky cheese — gorgon-zola, of course!

My 2 Cents

I was browsing through the spines of my ARCs “TBRs” and I found this little number popping out, reaching out for me to read. Yeah.. I’m a bit late to actually read this one, but it’s never too late to read a good book, is it? And yes!! It’s another Greek Mythology! Never get bored with this genre. Huhu.

The cover features Medusa, one of the most recognizable Greek Mythology  No, it won’t turn you into stone by looking it, I assure you that. What is different about this book to the usual Medusa vs Perseus legend? For starters, Lord Hades “wrote” this book. The back story is, he found out Zeus has been spinning the mythology and Lord Hades wants to get the fact straight, so he figure out, “writing” this series would do the deed.

Overall, it’s a funny book, leisure reading. for me. But it would be a great addition to the myths already known by us. Come on, the old grouch Lord Hades, is actually funny in this one. Not Disney Funny, but ya know, funny as we could relate to… kind of.. oh you know what I  mean. I actually felt sorry for Medusa and was tickled by “the facts” of the events. Teens would love to read this due to it’s humorous nature and it is written to to induce curiosity on how the original story goes.

Partly from that, I am actually amazed, that almost none of my reader friends and bloggers (who loves mythology genre books) actually know about this series. But then again, Check it out. It’s a good book, awesome book.

Featuring The Book Trailer Itself 

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Thursday, July 21, 2011

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Ode to Harry Potter…

1 It’s over… *silently sobs*

I have watched the last movie, after a long of indecisive moments of to watch or not. I can’t bear to part with them the tears, laugh, frustrations, all boils into the ending of the movie tied-in. *emo*

I remember the first time I set eyes on your first book and like a typical book snob, all I could think of was, “Meh! Just another children book.” Didn’t even give you a chance back then. not even flipping to your back and actually read it. Yes… I admit, that was prejudice of me, but I was in the phase where I should read my age. Oh.. such mistake… *dramatically close eyes and silently lament* Then, we crossed paths when “Chamber of Secrets” appears out of nowhere. Not like *poof*, more of a reading recommendation by Curiosity still didn’t peak for me… then “Prisoner of Azkaban” came along and *sigh* I’ve decided to give it a go. I finished reading it back to back through out the week.

And I never look back since…

When I heard of the first movie, I was excited… My Potter friends and I couldn’t wait, we reread “The Philosopher’s Stone”, and we remember every quote, every exchange and every scene, word by word. *Yes, we had it that bad* When the movie came, all we could think of was… WHAT HAPPENED?! Yes, we were annoyed at first, missing quotes, missing conversations, missing scenes… I remembered I was extremely annoyed with what I had call the most important conversation ever cut off from the movie! Bloody hell, I said. Yes, Ron Wesley rub off on me since then. They can’t possibly  act out the whole book, they say.. It is just impossible, they say… I remember it induce the first most extreme review meets I had with my friends. *sighs*

Memories of me being floored because Sirius died.. and Dumbledore…  Hedwig… oh my god…. Severus Snape… these names made me cry. Then, my sudden annoyed urge to slap the sense out of Harry some where along the line, and Ron.. growling at Hermione.

Yes, I am a very emotional reader.

Now you be on my shelf, maybe we cross paths for a reread one day again. But I’ll make sure to recommend you to everybody…

I’ll never say goodbye… *dramatically steps down*

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Saturday, July 9, 2011

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Book Review: Clean; by Amy Reed

genre } fiction | society & social issues | health | drugs & addiction | Disability
rating } pg 18+
date released } July 19, 2011
publisher } Simon Pulse
ISBN } 9781442413443 (hb) | 1442413441
acquisition } advanced copy from publisher
available @
book despository

1 Clean
by; Amy Reed

Summary from Goodreads
Olivia, Kelly, Christopher, Jason, and Eva have one thing in common: They’re addicts. Addicts who have hit rock bottom and been stuck together in rehab to face their problems, face sobriety, and face themselves. None of them wants to be there. None of them wants to confront the truths about their pasts. But they’ll all have to deal with themselves and one another if they want to learn how to live. Because when you get that high, there’s nowhere to go but down, down, down.

My 2 Cents
The first thing that grab me to read this book, is that cover. The model look so alone, and deep in thought. Then, there’s the four walls closing in. tight and small. Reminds me of that Babyface’s song, “Nobody knows it but me”. But to the book! Have you ever read a book, that consumes your attention? The only reason why it took me this long to read, is due to my hectic schedule, but I’d made sure to read this every single night so I know what’s going on next in that book.

Now back to the book. I don’t have to tell you the summary of this book, since I’ve included it up there as a summary. What I like to share is how every character suck you into their world. Most chapters of this book puts us in their characters mind, circulating from one character to another, where they open up their past, their feelings, their hopes, dreams, fears, vulnerabilities, etc, all poured out for us to see. Putting the reader into the spot of understanding, instead of judging. I Actually wanted to give Christopher and Jason a hug, not to forget I like to shove spoon feed Olivia.

I do wish and hope that book will actually get all the readers it could have. It would bring the readers into a perspectives. I know talking about addicts is a taboo, but reading this, would not let you break into that curiosity to try and “experiment” but it would show you the pain, it causes, the sacrifice, and the difficulties to get back up to their feet after they’ve became an addict.

Overall, This book has a full 5 ♠s from me. Thanks for the book Amy Reeds =^_^=

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