Apparently if you refuse to help your mother on errands, Greek Goddesses would turn you into a goat as punishment....
Monday, June 27, 2011
Written on
11:06 PM
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Books Taught Me That #003
Books taught me that...
Written on
12:00 PM
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Book Review: Casketball Capers by; Peter Bentley
genre } humor | children | pre-teens rating } 9 - 12 yo + date released } July 01, 2011 publisher } Albert Whitman & Company ISBN } 9780807584620 (hb) | 9780807584637 acquisition } advanced copy from publisher available @ book despository Casketball Capers (Vampire School 01) by; Peter Bentley...
2011 Challenges,
Albert Whitman and Company,
Peter Bentley,
Picture book,
Friday, June 24, 2011
Written on
7:46 PM
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Book Review: Addie on the Inside; James Howe
genre } family | issues | self-esteem | relationship rating } 13+ date released } July 26th 2011 edition } Atheneum Books (224 p.) ISBN } 9781416913849 | 141691384X acquisition } ARE available @ Book Depository Addie on the Inside By; James Howe Summary on Goodreads The Gang of...
2011 Challenges,
Atheneum Books,
Family Issue,
James Howe,
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Written on
12:16 PM
Posted by
We interrupt blogging to feature #OurBrunei
Recently, the local twitter community have been trying to promote Brunei by trending #OurBrunei through the medium of one of the famous social media around: Twitter. I would have done this post earlier, but due to it being a big online local event, I thought I should let it settle down first before posting any of the entries, I thought would be a fun fact for the rest of the community and the world. Here are several I can...
Monday, June 20, 2011
Written on
12:05 PM
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Books taught me that… #002
The Itsy-Bitsy Spider gotten washed out by the rain because he had no umbrella, ella ella eh, eh, eh!...
Books taught me that...
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Written on
10:32 PM
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Book Review: The Throne of Fire; Rick Riordan
genre } egyptology mythology | fantasy | young adult | rating } 18+ date released } May 3rd 2011 edition } Hyperion Books for Children ISBN } 1423140567 | 9781423140566 acquisition } bought available @ Book Depository The Throne of Fire (Kane Chronicles #2) by Rick Riordan Summary via Goodreads:...
Egypt Mythology,
Hyperion Books for Children,
Kane Chronicles,
Rick Riordan,
Young Adult
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Written on
6:25 PM
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Region in Conflict: Europe
Regions in Conflict: Europe (Chechnya, Cyprus, Kosovo, Northern Ireland, Former Yugoslavia) Chechnya I Am a Chechen! by German Sadulaev Cyprus Bitter Lemons by Lawrence Durrell Tetralogy of the Times: Stories of Cyprus by G. Philippou Pierides Kosovo Northern Ireland Former Yugoslavia Death and the Dervish by Mesa Selimovic The Banquet in Blitva by Miroslav Krleža...
Written on
5:57 PM
Posted by
Regions in Conflict: Asia
Regions in Conflict: Asia (Afghanistan, Burma, East Timor, Iran, Iraq, Israel and Palestine, Kashmir, Kurdistan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Syria, Tibet, Yemen) Multinational works Literature from the "Axis of Evil": Writing from Iran, Iraq, North Korea and Other Enemy Nations, edited by Alane Mason Beirut 39: New Writing from the Arab World, edited by Samuel Shimon The Anchor Book of Modern Arabic Fiction,...
Written on
5:29 PM
Posted by
Regions in Conflict - Africa
Africa (Algeria, Côte d’Ivoire, The Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, Libya, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Sudan/Darfur, Tunisia) MULTINATIONAL WORKS Beirut 39: New Writing from the Arab World, edited by Samuel Shimon The Anchor Book of Modern Arabic Fiction, edited by Denys Johnson-Davies ALGERIA Algerian White by Assia Djebar The German Mujahid by Boualem Sansal The Last Summer of Reason by Tahar...
Written on
5:13 PM
Posted by
Gulf War Books
IRAQ/AFGHANISTAN WARS Jarhead by Anthony Swofford Prayer in Rumayla by Charles Sheehan-Miles Night Draws Near: Iraq's People in the Shadow of America's War by Anthony Shadid What Was Asked of Us: An Oral History of the Iraq War by the Soldiers Who Fought It by Trish Wood What I Heard About Iraq by Eliot Weinberger Imperial Life in the Emerald City by Rajiv Chandrasekaran Fiasco by Thomas...
Written on
4:51 PM
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Vietnam War Books
VIETNAMESE Novel Without a Name by Duong Thu Huong Last Night I Dreamed of Peace: The Diary of Dang Thuy Tram--this diary of a young doctor operating in makeshift jungle hospitals for the Viet Cong, was found by a U.S. soldier during "clean-up" operations. Against regulations, he kept it. In 2005, he returned it to her family in Vietnam, where it was published and became a bestseller. The Sorrow of War by Bao Ninh...
Written on
4:21 PM
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Korean War Books
KOREAN, CHINESE War Trash by Ha Jin Silver Stallion by Ahn Junghyo The Surrendered by Chang Rae Lee AMERICAN MASH by Richard Hooker MASH: An Army Surgeon in Korea by Otto F. Apel The Useless Servants (1993) by Rolando Hinojosa--racism in the army I Am the Clay (1992) by Chaim Potok--devastation of Korean village The Marines of Autumn by James Brady No Other Way (1997) by Ben DeWitt--military...
Written on
2:41 PM
Posted by
World War 2 Books
GERMAN Every Man Dies Alone (1947) by Hans Fallada--Berlin during the war The Time of Light (2000) by Gunnar Kopperud--Battle of Stalingrad Das Boot by Lothar-Gunther Buchheim--German submariners The Tin Drum (1959) by Gunter Grass The Train Was on Time by Heinrich Boll A Soldier's Legacy by Heinrich Boll The Kindly Ones (2009) by Jonathan Littell--although the author is not German, this widely...
Written on
1:13 PM
Posted by
World War 1 Books
GERMAN Arnold Zweig; The Case of Sergeant Grischa (1927) (Russian POW tries to escape from German camp) Erich Maria Remarque; All Quiet on the Western Front (1927) (WWI classic) Ernst Junger; Storm of Steel by (war from POV of young German soldier) Fritz Nagel; Fritz: The World War I Memoirs of a German Lieutenant FRENCH Henri Barbusse; Under Fire (1916) -- "one of most influential of all war novels";...
Friday, June 17, 2011
Written on
12:48 PM
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Rick Riordan talks about Kane Chronicles
To whoever has no idea what's the back story of the Kane Chronicles by Rick Riordan, Here is it. I wholeheartedly recommend this series to everybody. But you need to have a background knowledge on Egyptology mythology. if you don't, brush it up ;) you'll missing on a great seri...
Written on
12:43 PM
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The Throne of Fire by Rick Riordan- the book trailer
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Written on
10:18 PM
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Book Review: The Yellow Wallpaper; Charlotte Perkins Gilman
genre } classics | short stories | literature rating } 18 yr + date released } 1997 edition } Dover Publications; Unabridged edition (70 p.) ISBN } 0486298574 | 978-0486298573 acquisition } Free for Kindle download available @ Book Depository | The Yellow Wallpaper by; Charlotte...
Written on
4:54 PM
Posted by
Book Review: Dork Diaries; Rachel R. Russell
genre } humor | teens | rating } 12 yo + date released } February 04, 2010 edition } Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing ISBN } 1847387411 | 9781847387417 acquisition } bought @ Book Lane Brunei available @ Book Depository Dork Diaries (Dork Diaries #1) by; Rachel R. Russell ...
Written on
4:01 PM
Posted by
Link Share: Go the F**k to Sleep - read by Samuel L. Jackson
I found this while surfing and I thought, "why not..."My review of this book can be found here.The hilarious part is, the reader is Samuel L. Jackson =^_^= Enj...
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Written on
2:45 PM
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TV Series Treat
Let me be one of the first to say I’m in Doctor Who’s withdrawal until when autumn will be finally here. Can you believe that cliffhanger?! I’m inbetween “I knew it!” and “Ew”. If anybody else is like me, Torchwood is coming! So yay!!! But of course the stale empty slot of nothing to watch in between….. is god damn annoying. But here’s a...
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Written on
8:00 AM
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Teaser Tuesdays: Dork Diaries
Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. ♣ Grab your current read ♣ Open to a random page ♣ Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page ♣ BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to...
2: Teaser Tuesday,
Rachel R. Russell,
Monday, June 13, 2011
Written on
9:36 PM
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Books taught me that… #001
No matter how stuck you are in a problem, breaking a jar containing an Ancient Egyptian God in hopes to help you, is never a good idea....
Books taught me that...
Written on
12:10 PM
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In My Mailbox (13.6.2011)

Hosted by Kristy from The Story Siren. Wow.. It has been long.. Been busy and such with work. But today let me show you what I get for my last week treasure!
A J Tata - [Threat 03] - Hidden Threat
Alyson Noel - [The Immortals 06] - EverlastingAndrew Zimmern - Andrew Zimmern's Bizarre World of Food- Brains, Bugs,...
1: In the Mail
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